September 25, 2011

Blogger Trouble

I'm currently having some trouble with my background and template. I'm not the greatest with figuring this out!

August 17, 2011

Long Time

Its been a long time since I blogged...but I have some reasons:

-I was in texas last week enjoying delicious Mexican food (look for a post on the tortillas and churros soon)

-The week before that I was at State Fair where I was surprised, schocked, and delighted to win the clock trophy with a sewing project...wasnt expecting that at all!!

-Before that I spent a couple a days in Washington D.C.! I visited Georgetown Cupcake (D.C. Cupcakes Show) (another post soon!) and the world famous Sprinkles!

Stay tuned in the next week for some more posts on my travels in the last month and a new recipe post for chocolate chip cookie pie....mmmmm.....!

July 15, 2011

Cupcake Shop Review: The Faithful Little Cupcake

So this is the first cupcake shop that I have been to that is "local" to my area! It just opened up in June!
It is in the basement of a furniture store and an art gallery so it misses the benifit of an eye catching window. But the shop itself is sorta cute...especially loved their darling cupcake art work


Now Back to business on the actual cupcake: I tried a chocolate peanut butter cupcake:

And Heres What I Thought: This cupcake was overall very good, it was pretty moist. However it had no filling (which is Ok). Overall I wouldn't call this one "a destination shop" as its cupcakes are very small and the shop is not just in rock your socks of condition!

The Faithful Little Cupcake does a Charity project for every cake purchased they donate a cupcake to a child in need!

A Yummy use for extra Icing

 Ever had a lot of icing left over after making a recipe of some sort? Well here is an easy,simple, and mignt I add delicious way to use it.

You will need:
Graham Crackers
Left Over Icing

To Make: Break Graham Cracker in half and spread a generous amount of frosting on one side.
Place the other half on top and roll your graham crakcker frosting sandwhich in sprinkles for extra color,


Delicious Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cupcake

So get this: How about a chocolate chip cookie dough cupcake with cookie dough filling, and Brown sugar frosting? I made tidy mom's recipe recently and it was delicious:

Some pictures for proof:

Absolutely Delicious.I piped the frosting on and rolled em in chocolate chips. A recipe that we are gonna save.Note: If you use an apple corer to removet the centers to fill the cupcakes you will be left with a yummy treat to enjoy while you wait on the filling to chill! So Go grab Tidy Mom's Recipe and make yourself a batch.

New Headband Idea

Boy, haven't updated in a while- but finally 4-H is nearly done! But I do have a new headband:

Found this idea on Blue Cricket Designs- here.

They are extremely simple! I switched them up a bit and did 3 rows of stitching down the center and only one ruffle. I've done them in pink and brown- using the blue cricket design tutorial.

June 23, 2011

Friday Favorite

So, I haven't actually tried this friday favorite yet but they look cool and they have just been added to my list of "Things to Try"!
Rainbow Cake in A Jar from Save the Date for Cupcakes!

A Baking Equation

So here is a yummy math problem for you to solve:

What do you get when you add
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough


Reese Cups




Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookies!

In my opinion the oreo and reeses tied for the best but these Brownie Pillows are still the best!

June 16, 2011

French Seam Finish Tutorial

French Seaming is a simple, neat way to finish your seams! Check it out:

The results are great for the small amount of extra time doing this takes!

May 27, 2011

Friday Favorite

 This Friday Favorite is bright pink, check it out:
The Native Perforated Slip Ons From Garnet Hill! These came in the mail today for my younger sister and they are adorable- packaging and all.

Here is the bag looking box which is absoulutley adorable complete with little pink handles and cute doodles on the inside:

Aren't they cute? Plus they are made of all-natural bio-degradable materials. So cute! So head over to Garnet Hill to check them out. But for Now here are some more pictures:
 And Here is my cute little model (the proud owner of the cute new shoes). The outfit she had on today matched perfectly with the shoes so i paraded her outside to take a couple of pictures! 


May 21, 2011

Yummy Oreo Cheesecakes

 These oreo cheesecakes are so simple and easy and everyone loves them.

Oreo Cheesecake Cookies
2-8oz Cream Cheese, softened
1/2 cup of sugar
2 eggs
Oreo Cookies

Start By Seperating the Oreos so that they look like this:

Then Place one half filling side up into cupcake liner.

Beat the cream cheese, sugar, and eggs until fluffy. I then piped on top of each oreo about 2/3 of the way full. So that they look like this:
And bake them for 12- 15 minutes at 350 degrees. When you take them out place the other half of the oreo on top and chill immediatley. Before you serve them you will want to remove the cupcake liner.

Now what do you think about peanut butter filled cream cheese oreos? Another recipe for another post!

No - Bake Chewy Nutter Butter Bars

I recently tried making the picky palate's No- Bake Oreo bars. So I decided to try them with nutter butter cookies.

The Three Ingredient Line up: 1 package of Nutter Butters, 1/2 Stick of Butter, and a package of Marshmallows.

Simply melt the marshmallows and butter in the microwave:

Till they look like this:

Add in your nutter  butters and ta dah:

May 19, 2011

Origami Globes

Aren't these Origami Globes Lovely? They are so simple also. It took me literally 10 Minutes to make this one (please ignore the fact that this is the first time I have ever made one of these and mine is not as round, neat, or beautiful as the ones below) I found the tutorial on the Blog Hello Heather. She made hers from some scrapbooking paper for Valentines Day. I want to make some pink ones for my room!


I decided to make mine from the pages of an old atlas that is no longer in use (so it looks like a globe). The inspiration to make them from map paper came from Elizabeth Street on Etsy(while your there check out their beautiful headbands). I attempted to make origami globes like these (their called Kusmandus):
Set of 3 Origami Globes crafted from Vintage Atlas Paper Maps - Kusudama Origami Set
But I quickly found out that I do not have the patience and skill to make these:)
 Seriously- making 50 of those little segments does sound time consuming. So I guess I will have to be happy with mine... until I master the Kusmandu art!

May 5, 2011

No - Bake Chewy Cookies and Cream Bars

These bars are SO simple- just three ingredients:

1 Package of Oreo Cookies
1 Package of Jumbo Sized Marshmallows
1/2 Stick of Butter

To Start Place the entire package of oreo cookies in a bag and crush into chunks
Then Place the marshmallows and the butter into a bowl
Microwave on high for about 1 minute. When The Marshmallows come out they will be puffed up stir them good mixing with the butter until they look like this:
Then Add the oreos to the mix and stir them until they are completley mix. Once mixed spread the mixture into a 9 by 13 Pan. Enjoy this marshmallowy goodness!

May 2, 2011

New Super cute Headbands!!

I have been messing around lately with some more Satin Flower Headbands. They are so fun to make...  I love it when I do a project that is so simple but produces such stylish results.

I recently ordered a big batch of headbands from the website They have almost any color you could want. I used a remnant of white sparkly satin and a white stretchy headband they ended up turning out really cute. I assembled some on little alligator clips from girls chrochet headbands too. Those are also cute.

So Fun and Easy!