May 19, 2011

Origami Globes

Aren't these Origami Globes Lovely? They are so simple also. It took me literally 10 Minutes to make this one (please ignore the fact that this is the first time I have ever made one of these and mine is not as round, neat, or beautiful as the ones below) I found the tutorial on the Blog Hello Heather. She made hers from some scrapbooking paper for Valentines Day. I want to make some pink ones for my room!


I decided to make mine from the pages of an old atlas that is no longer in use (so it looks like a globe). The inspiration to make them from map paper came from Elizabeth Street on Etsy(while your there check out their beautiful headbands). I attempted to make origami globes like these (their called Kusmandus):
Set of 3 Origami Globes crafted from Vintage Atlas Paper Maps - Kusudama Origami Set
But I quickly found out that I do not have the patience and skill to make these:)
 Seriously- making 50 of those little segments does sound time consuming. So I guess I will have to be happy with mine... until I master the Kusmandu art!

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