February 16, 2011

Yummy Brownie Pillow Cookies

Ok so these are really yummy! Imagine a cookie stuffed with you guessed it a brownie---Imagine no more with this recipe. To make things even better these are super easy! So here is the recipe:

1 brownie mix (prepared completely)

once mixed and in oven begin to prepare the following:

3 cups flour
1 t. baking soda
1 cup butter (softend)
1/4 cup sugar
3/4 cup brown sugar
1 t. vanilla
2 eggs
31/2 oz. instant vanilla pudding mix
12 oz. (2 cups) chocolate chips

Mix flour and baking soda ; set aside. Cream butter and sugars; add vanilla and eggs. Add pudding mix. Add Flour mixture. Stir in Chips.

Once brownies come out of oven cut into 1 inch squares (when I made they were uncooled) Surround brownie squares with about 1/4 cup of dough. Bake for 11 minutes.
They are really yummy warm and good cooled as well!
Cookie Dough...mmm...

 Here is the view from the bottom....mmm just looking at them makes me hungry.

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